S.No |
Patent Application Number |
Title |
Public Disclosure |
1 |
201641041375 |
Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Gene Orf147 of Pigeonpea and Uses thereof |
2 |
202141036329 |
Millet and Food Products with Reduced Lipase activity, Genes and implementation thereof |
S.No | Trademark Application No |
Trademark | Trademark Type | Trademark class | Registration Status |
1 | 1143837 | ICRISAT | Wordmark | 31 | Registered |
2 | 1143838 | ICRISAT | Wordmark | 16 | Registered |
3 | 1143839 | MISC.GEO(DEV) | Device mark | 16 | Registered |
4 | 1143840 | DEVICE OF CROP | Device mark | 31 | Registered |
5 | 1257900 | ICRISAT | Wordmark | 42 | Registered |
6 | 1257901 | DEVICE OF CROP | Device mark | 42 | Registered |
7 | 1257902 | Science with Human Face | Device mark | 42 | Registered |
8 | 2812204 | GREENPHABLET | Wordmark | 41 | Registered |
9 | 2812205 | GREENPHABLET | Wordmark | 42 | Registered |
10 | 2812206 | GREENPHABLET | Wordmark | 9 | Registered |
11 | 2812207 | GREENPHABLET | Wordmark | 16 | Registered |
12 | 2812208 | GREENPHABLET | Wordmark | 28 | Registered |
13 | 3527583 | ICRISAT device with crop and lady | Device mark | 42 | Registered |
14 | 3644207 | SMART FOOD | Wordmark | 99 (42&44) | Registered |
15 | 3644208 | Smart Foods with three leaves | Device mark | 99 (42&44) | Registered |
16 | 3644209 | GOOD FOR YOU – THE PLANET – THE FARMER | Wordmark | 99 (42&44) | Registered |
17 | 5553463 | SMART FOOD FOR ASIA | Device mark | 42 | Registered |
18 | 5553464 | SMARTER FOOD | Wordmark | 42 | Registered |
19 | 5553465 | SMARTER FOOD | Wordmark | 44 | Registered |
20 | 5553467 | SMART FOOD | Wordmark | 44 | Registered |
21 | 5553468 | SMART FOOD FOR ASIA | Device mark | 44 | Registered |
22 | 5553470 | SMART FOOD FOR AFRICA | Device mark | 44 | Registered |
23 | 5553473 | ICRISAT<br/> INTERNATIONAL CROPS RESEARCH <br/>INSTITUTE FOR THE SEMI-ARID TROPICS <br/>and smart food | Device mark | 44 | Registered |
24 | 5553474 | SMARTER FOOD | Device mark | 42 | Registered |
25 | 430452-001 | SOLAR POWERED WATER HYACINTH HARVESTER | Design Application | Registered |