We harness a range of advanced tools and technologies to drive groundbreaking research and innovation in plant biology, genetics, and trait engineering. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge methodologies.
Gene Editing: We utilize genetic engineering techniques to modify specific genes of interest in crops, allowing for the development of novel traits. Through gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9, we can precisely edit the plant genome, enabling us to enhance desired traits and address production constraints more efficiently.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: To analyze and interpret the vast amount of genomic data generated, we rely on bioinformatics and computational biology. Through computational tools and algorithms, we can identify candidate genes, study gene networks, and predict the functional consequences of genetic variations. Bioinformatics helps us extract valuable insights from complex biological data, contributing to more effective trait discovery and genetic improvement.
Tissue Culture and Transformation: Our cluster utilizes tissue culture techniques to propagate and transform plant cells. Through tissue culture, we can efficiently regenerate whole plants from small tissue samples, allowing us to introduce desired genetic modifications. This technology serves as a crucial tool for the genetic manipulation of crops and the production of transformed plants for further study.
Metabolomics and proteomics facility: We have state-of-the-art metabolomics and proteomics facility based on liquid chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). LC-MS is a versatile and highly sensitive technique that combines high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), a powerful analytical separation technique, with mass spectroscopy (MS). This facility enables the identification and analysis of targeted and non-targeted analysis of metabolites and proteins expressed in a cell or tissue under a specific condition. This facility further supports research projects by providing help with sample preparation, data analysis, and interpretation. The service of the facility is available to both internal and external users.
For more details please visit BioNcube website
Fluorescent microscopy: We have a computer-driven Leica TCS-SP2 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope capable of confocal imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), IR imaging, and live cell imaging. The system has UV laser, Ar-laser, and He-Ne-laser that are used to capture images of various fluorescent dyes such as GFP, YFP, CFP, Alexa, RITC, TRITC, etc., with a broad spectrum of applications. The system is used for confocal recording (laser scanning images) of fluorescence-labelled living and fixed plant samples.
These tools and technologies enable us to accelerate genetic improvements in our focus crops. By integrating cutting-edge methodologies with a deep understanding of plant biology, we pave the way for transformative solutions that address dryland agricultural challenges and contribute to global food security.
Agribusiness and Innovation Platform
Crop Protection and Seed Health
Cell, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
Enabling Systems Transformation
Genomics, Pre-Breeding and Bioinformatics
GeoSpatial and Big Data Sciences
Knowledge and Capacity Development
Landscapes, Soil Fertility and Water Management
Legal and Intellectual Property
Markets, Institutions and Policies