The Landscapes, Soil Fertility, and Water Management (LSFWM) cluster at ICRISAT employs a range of tools and technologies to support sustainable agricultural practices and enhance natural resource management.
These tools and technologies play a crucial role in promoting soil health, improving water management, and maximizing the productivity and resilience of farming systems.
Soil Testing and Analysis: Soil testing tools and techniques are utilized to assess soil fertility, nutrient content, and pH levels. This information guides the application of appropriate soil amendments, such as fertilizers and organic matter, to optimize soil health and crop productivity.
Water Management Technologies: Various water management technologies are employed, including rainwater harvesting structures, irrigation systems, and water-saving techniques. These technologies ensure efficient use of water resources, mitigate water scarcity risks, and improve crop water productivity.
Decision Support Systems (DSS): DSS tools provide farmers and stakeholders with real-time information, forecasts, and recommendations for improved decision-making. These systems integrate weather data, soil moisture levels, crop growth stages, and market information, enabling farmers to make informed choices about planting, irrigation, and crop management practices.
Mobile Applications: Mobile-based applications and digital platforms are utilized to disseminate information and advisories on soil fertility management, water conservation, climate-smart practices, and market linkages. These tools enhance access to knowledge and enable farmers to make informed decisions using their smartphones.
Participatory Approaches: The cluster employs participatory approaches, such as farmer field schools, demonstration plots, and learning sites, to engage farmers and stakeholders actively. These approaches foster knowledge exchange, capacity building, and the co-creation of innovative solutions for sustainable landscapes and agricultural practices.
By harnessing these tools and technologies, the LSFWM cluster aims to empower farmers, promote sustainable land and water management practices, and enhance agricultural productivity while preserving the environment. The continuous integration and development of these tools and technologies are essential for advancing our understanding of landscapes, soil fertility, and water dynamics and achieving sustainable and resilient farming systems in semiarid regions.
Agribusiness and Innovation Platform
Crop Protection and Seed Health
Cell, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
Enabling Systems Transformation
Genomics, Pre-Breeding and Bioinformatics
GeoSpatial and Big Data Sciences
Knowledge and Capacity Development
Landscapes, Soil Fertility and Water Management
Legal and Intellectual Property
Markets, Institutions and Policies